There is no Chancellor at Siam. The King gives not his Seal to any person; Of the Maha Obarat.
After several remarks, which I have made, it seems to me, that whatever is done in the King of Siam's Name has no Power, if it is not done at the place where this King actually resides. Certain reasons have hindered, why they have not certainly inform'd me thereof. However, it is certain, that for the reason which I have alleged, or for some other, there is at Siam as it were a Vice-Roy, who represents the King, and performs the Regal Functions in the King's Absence; as when this Prince is at War. This Officer is called Maha-Obarat, as it was given me in writing, or Ommarat, according to the Abbot de Choisy, and Mr. Gervaise. And the Abbot de Choisy adds, that the Maha Omarat has a right of sitting down in the King's Presence, a Circumstance which some have informed me to be peculiar to another Officer, of whom I shall speak in the sequel. At present they give him the Title of Pa-ya, and they do thereunto add the word Tchaou, which signifies Lord; Tchaou Pa-ya Maha Omrat: Sometimes he has only the Title of Oc-ya, as in Vliet's Relation, where his is called Oc-ya Ombrat. He is thereunto qualified as Chief of the Nobility, which signifies nothing, but the first Officer of the Kingdom.
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